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TAZ Professionals

We offer a walk-in service from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, including booked appointments. To book an appointment please call 01744 646 473.
We offer a walk-in service from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, including booked appointments. To book an appointment please call 01744 646 473.
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TAZ Outreach Team - contact details

Fingerpost Park Health Centre,

Atlas Street,

St. Helens,


tel: 01744 627697 or 07795452161



One to One work

We can provide targeted interventions with young people at risk of early parenthood or poor sexual health. Any professional wanting to refer a young person into the service should discuss their concerns with the young person (and their carers/parents if appropriate) and complete the referral form. Referrals can only be accepted with the consent of the young person. For more advice on when to refer or advice on completing the form, please contact the team. For more information on the referral process please click here


Professional Training

We offer a number of free training events for professionals 



Alongside direct work with young people and support to families, the TAZ Outreach Team offers support and advice to professionals working with young people in St. Helens, on issues relating to their sexual health and relationships.
If you have concerns about a young person you are working with and would like to speak to a member of the team for advice or support, please contact us using the details above.


Group work

We offer a targeted TAZ Workshops to young people in many High Schools and other settings. This provides an opportunity for young people to find out about and discuss some of the most important elements of sexual health and relationships. The subjects covered include contraception, healthy relationships, self-esteem, online safety, safer sex, the virtual baby programme and confidence building. You can learn more about the TAZ workshops here.


What young people say:

"I loved all the sessions; the Team was amazing."

"I enjoyed everything in the TAZ sessions."

"Really good and helps you when you don't know what to do"

"I loved the group work"    

"I learnt lots about healthy relationships"

"Very open, as we could talk about things we don't want to talk to our mums about"


TAZ One-to-One Support Referral Form


To refer a young person (13-18 years old) who is at risk unintended conception, early parenting, or poor sexual health, please complete the form below.



TAZ Referral Form