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TAZ Referrals

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We offer a walk-in service from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, including booked appointments. To book an appointment please call 01744 646 473.
We offer a walk-in service from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, including booked appointments. To book an appointment please call 01744 646 473.
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Referrer Details

Date of referral*:

Name of referrer*



E-mail address*:

Contact Number:

Young Person Details

Please indicate that consent has been sought and agreed from the young person and their parent/carer. Please note that parental knowledge is not always required to make a referral, but referrals cannot be accepted without the young person’s consent.

Young person's consent given:


Preferred Name*:

Date of Birth:

Gender at birth:

Is their gender the same today?



Mobile Number:

Other contact details:

Preferred method of contact:


Education provision*:

Year Group:

Disability or SEND*:

GP name and Surgery*:

Parent/Carer Details

Parent 1 consent given*:

Parent 1 Name:



Parent 2 consent given:

Parent 2 Name:


Contact Number:

Level of need*

More information here

Support already in place




Reason for involvement:




Reason for involvement:

Young person and parent/Carer consent given for TAZ Outreach Team contacting the above services for additional information if required?*:

What is working well for this young person?

Please give more information:

Risk Indicator Tool:

What is putting this young person at risk of early parenting or poor sexual health?

How would you rate the concerns today?

On a scale of 0-10, where 0 means that there are no concerns and there is no requirement for TAZ Outreach Sexual Health involvement and 10 means that the concerns are so bad that the young person is likely to experience significant harm to themselves or others*:

Reason for referral and supporting information:

Explain the reason for your referral and what your expectations are, please give as much information as possible to support your referral*:

Support requested*

(please indicate)



Safer Sex



Notes to referrer:

Each referral will be discussed at a screening meeting within 7 days. You will be contact if your referral is accepted, rejected or if more information is requested. If your referral is accepted, the case will be allocated to TAZ worker who will in contact with the young person on the method provided above.

  • 13 to 18 years old
  • St Helens Resident
  • St Helens LAC
  • At risk of pregnancy
  • At risk of poor sexual health
  • At risk of sexual exploitation
  • Low level HSB with prior assessment

  • Under 13
  • Over 18
  • Non-St Helens Resident
  • High level of SEND
  • Require counselling including for sexual assault
  • High level of HSB
  • Low level of HSB without prior assessment

Data Privacy Notice:

The information provided on this form will be used in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations, 2018. Your information will be utilized for the purposes of providing you with services as requested above. Your details will not be shared with any other services without you consent.