Contact Us

We understand that sometimes plans change and you may have to cancel or rearrange your appointment. If you no longer need your appointment or need to change the time and date, please let us know as soon as you can so that the appointment can be reallocated to someone else. In addition, to this each missed appointment cost the NHS approximately £120. You can do this by completing the form below.
Click here for the form
While we highly value our patients’ confidentiality, sometimes people miss appointments that are vitally important for their health, or the health of people close to them. We will do our best to contact these people and invite them back to see us at a convenient time but If we can’t get hold of them and the issue is very important, we may write to their GP.
We're always happy to hear if you've been pleased with the service you have received. We share all compliments with the service and individuals involved this helps our staff recognised for the great work they do every day.
The best people to speak to are the team(s) providing your care and they will pass your feedback on. Please click here to view our online contact form. If you would prefer to speak to someone else then please call 01744 646 473.
If you have a complaint that has not been resolved while you were in clinic, please click here to view our online contact form, or please call us on 01744 646 473, alternatively you can contact PALs by visiting PALs
You will receive test results via your mobile phone within 2 weeks please call 01744 646 008. Please do not call until it has been 2 weeks.
Please visit the clinic tab.
Please contact the Contraception & Sexual Health Service Health Improvement Team: 01744 457243 or email: or visit our training pages for our latest training.
To make a referral to TAZ or speak to the TAZ team, please visit the TAZ one to one support page for more information.
To refer a young person to TAZ, please complete the TAZ referral form
If you require clinical advice from a nurse or doctor please email and allow 24hrs for a reply or call 01744 64673 to be put through to someone for advice ( Service not open at weekends)