TAZ Clinic

For help, information and advice, come to TAZ!
TAZ is a free and confidential sexual health service for anyone aged 13 to 19.
You can find us on the first floor of the NHS Urgent Treatment (Walk In) Centre (by the bus station in the town centre)
The address is:
The Millennium Centre (First Floor)
Corporation Street
St. Helens
WA10 1HJ
We are also located in the sexual health clinic in St Helens Hospital, Lower ground floor.
We can help you with all aspects of your sexual health.
We can offer you FREE:
Pregnancy testing (or help if you are pregnant and not sure what to do) Testing for sexually transmitted infections, including Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, HIV and Syphilis (more info about infections here).
Information, advice and guidance about ANYTHING to do with sexual health, including questions about relationships, puberty, periods, body changes and growing up. There's no such thing as a silly question!
We can also arrange an appointment for you to get:
Contraception (contraceptive pill, implant, injection, coil, patch and condoms) and advice about which type is best for you.
Emergency Contraception (the Morning After Pill) to prevent unwanted pregnancy (available for up to 5 days after unprotected sex). You can also get Free Emergency Contraception from these Chemists.
Yes. We have appointments from 3 to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday alternatively you can attend St Helens hospital, sexual health clinic as a walk in patient between 9:30 am and 4:30 pm.
Yes. You can bring a friend or your partner into the waiting room with you. However, depending on the reason for your visit, we will usually need to see you on your own for a few minutes first.
TAZ is a confidential service, so we don't share your information with anybody else. The information we keep about you cannot be seen by anybody else, including your Doctor. We won't send any letters home or contact you outside of TAZ.
If you're aged 13 to 19 we can help you get what you need for fantastic sexual health!
Just call, text or WhatsApp us on 07795452161 to book an appointment or to ask us anything you might need to know. You can also email us at taz@sthk.nhs.uk
Everything we provide is free and we are a confidential service.