Peer Pressure

You might have heard of this phrase when people talk about teenagers and sex. ‘Delay’ isn’t about saying to teens “Don’t do it!”, it’s just a way of thinking about your reasons for choosing to have sex.
Many young people still say that they wish they’d waited longer before having sex with their partner, or that they felt pressured or expected to do it. Delaying sex with your partner can also lead to finding other ways of being intimate (physically close) with them and help you to discover more about what makes you feel good (check out or section on pleasure)
Why not take this quiz to help you decide if you’re ready to have sex yet?
Sometimes it can feel like everyone around you is in relationships or is having sex, but this isn’t the case. In fact, the average age of first sex in the UK is around 17 years old.
Feeling safe, comfortable and ready to have sex are much better reasons to do it than because “everyone is doing it”.