Adult sex work
St Helens Sexual Health offers a free and confidential service to women, men, trans and gender non-binary individuals, working in the sex or adult entertainment industry. We recognise that if you are working in the sex industry you may be worried about your sexual health or worry about judgement when visiting a service. We will not routinely disclose your personal information to other health and social care organisations, including your GP without discussing this with you first.
- I work in the sex industry, what can you do for me?
We offer a free and confidential sexual health service for people working in the UK sex industry. Our friendly team includes sexual health and contraception specialist nurses, doctors, health promotion specialists and healthcare support workers. We also have interpreters available upon request.
- What services provided at our sexual health clinics include:
- Free condoms, dams or gloves
- Full testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
- Hepatitis vaccinations
- Contraception advice: all forms of contraception are available
- Emergency contraception
- PrEP: Pre exposure prophlyxis
- PeP post exposure prophlyxis
- Pregnancy testing
- Information resources and leaflets
- Outreach
- Do I need a referral to use the service?
There is no need for a referral from a GP or healthcare professional. Sex workers can refer themselves directly to our clinic.
- How often should I test?
If you have multiple partners, we suggest you come and have a check-up every three months. This is important because some people don’t have any symptoms when they have a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or HIV, which increases the risk of harming their own health, and passing on the infection to their sexual partners.
- How long should I wait before testing?
STIs will take time to show on a test, so please consider the information below before taking a test. If a test is done too early, it will not be accurate. It is better to wait to take the test if you don’t have symptoms. If you have symptoms, do not wait! Call clinic on 01744 646 473.
- Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea - 2 weeks
- HIV - 45 days days
- Syphilis - 12 Weeks
- Hepatitis B - 1-9 weeks
- Hepatitis C - 6 Months
- I can’t access your service during your opening times do you provide outreach?
We understand that it may be difficult to visit us at our centre, if this is the case for you, please contact we may be able to provide a visit. This service does not include treatment or testing if symptoms are present.
- You have a right to be safe at work.
The Red Umbrella project supports people involved in sex work, selling sex and/or experiencing sexual exploitation to combat instances of violence and crimes against them and bring perpetrators to justice. Merseyside is the only police force in the world to treat violence against sex workers as a hate crime.
- Sexual Assault
If you have been sexually assaulted you can find out about local support here (Link to sexual assault page) and information on how to report. You can also anonymously report dangerous individuals to National Ugly Mugs (, who will then send out an alert to other sex workers in the local area.
- Emergency Contraception
If you have had unprotected sex and need emergency contraception, you can find information here.
- How do I access PEP?
If you have been exposed to HIV within the past 72 hours, you can ask for PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis). PEP is a course of medication that can significantly reduce your risk of HIV infection. Click here to find out more about PEP.
- How do I access PrEP?
PrEP is a drug that can help prevent a person from getting HIV. Not everyone needs PrEP, your nurse or doctor will discuss your needs and decide if PrEP is something that would be useful for you. To book a telephone call to discuss PrEP contact 01744 646 473 or pop into clinic.
- Where can I find more support and information for Sex Workers
Safety Tips for Sex Workers: If you use a computer or the internet as part of your work, you could also be at risk from online abuse.
Red Umbrella | Changing Lives ( The Red Umbrella project supports people involved in sex work, selling sex and/or experiencing sexual exploitation to combat instances of violence and crimes against them and bring perpetrators to justice.
Revenge Porn is a UK service supporting adults (aged 18+) who are experiencing intimate image abuse, also known as, revenge porn.
If you're being forced into any kind of sex work, this is sexual exploitation, a form of modern slavery.
A national charity providing free confidential support for women in the sex industry.
SWARM (Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement)
SWARM campaigns for the rights and safety of everyone who sells sexual services.
English Collective of Prostitutes
A national organisation of sex workers campaigning for sex workers' rights and safety.
A national charity dedicated to helping anyone affected by crime to cope with and recover from their experience. If it doesn't have an office in your area, it can point you to local help.